
How to Donate?

There are many ways that you can help; you can donate money, donate materials or donate your time as a volunteer.

Donate money

It is important for us to be able to obtain the financial resources needed in order to reach the goals that we have set, including the distribution of the toys, clothing, educational supplies and medical equipment that we received through our projects.

Donate your time as a volunteer

Unity is strength, so if you are interested in collaborating with the foundation in some of the activities we do throughout the year, your willingness to volunteer is a valuable contribution. Join us and make your positive action.

Fixed donation amounts

Choose your own donation amount


Donate materials

For those individuals or entities that are willing to make contributions to our foundation, this is also a great way to join us. We will be more than happy to receive your help.

To make the impact these donations can generate on the beneficiaries more effective, we suggest that items you donate are preferably new or used but in good condition. You can donate items from any of these categories:

  • School supplies
  • Clothing*
  • Shoes*
  • Toys*
  • Blankets, sheets*
  • Utensils
  • Orthopedic aids
  • Tools
  • Mats
  • Books
  • Appliances
  • Computers
  • Audiovisual devices
  • Furniture and fixtures
  • Fabrics
  • Personal hygiene products

* If these items are used, they should be previously washed and disinfected.